How I migrate Symfony 4.4 to 5.4 in legacy app

Petr Lzicar
2 min readJul 1, 2022


We are using Symfony FW from version 2.x, so we have lots of code, which is with us for several yers. Because end of lifecycle 4.x version is coming, I have to do upgrade, which is always fun :). In this article i want to mention some points, which can helps next Devs with this task.

Twigs templates

We have several bundles and from history reason we are using historical notation: {% extends ‘AppBundle::layout.html.twig’ %} which is not working in 5.x SF. New format is: {% extends ‘@App/layout.html.twig’ %}. Btw don't forgot to register all bundles in config under paths in twig section.

Twig config after update


  • %kernel.root_dir% is not exists anymore, need to change it to %kernel.project_dir% and fix all paths.
  • templating property is not exists anymore
  • if you are using encore, then you have to add json_manifest_path under assets in framework section.


We had used MemcachedCache for custom caching function, which is deprecated and in new symfony not exist anymore. As substitute i used MemcachedAdapter

Result of using MemcachedAdapter as custom cache provider


Just replace with trans() method witch count parameter. Good resource is here.


We are using NelmioSolarium Bundle, so i had to change path parameter and add core parameter. Something like this:



path: "/"
core: myData

And here is my reward after a week of detective work. To be honest i cannot done it without tests…. thanks god for it :)

Thanks for reading!

